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Translation Tuesday: The Three Way

January 3, 2012

I’m back in the South! And it looks like the cold weather followed me back! Boo! Actually, I drove back on New Year’s Day and a cold front was coming in just as I was leaving… bringing snow in the North and nipping at my heels all 500 plus miles back to what was for a brief morning, normal warm weather of a calm Southern winter. Alas, Jack Frost has snuck in for a few days and we are in for some cold temperatures. It is supposed to get down to 18 degrees tonight… that is cold! I need to find my heating pad because I just can’t seem to keep warm!

Today was my first day back at work after being off for nearly two weeks, so it’s been a bit hectic, trying to get caught up on emails and voicemails and trying to revive my little plant that didn’t get watered while we were closed (odds for the plant’s survival aren’t looking too hot). In the middle of the busy day today, I remembered that it is Tuesday, so that means Translation Tuesday for my little blog!

Today’s translation is a Yankee one, and an Ohio one to be exact. It is a delicious little thing. The three way.

No, not THAT kind of three way, get your head out of the gutter folks. The Ohio three way, the perfect food combination that can only be served at your local chili parlor. Yes, we have chili parlors in the North… kind of like an ice cream parlor, expect they serve yummy chili. A three way is a plate of spaghetti, with yummy local chili over it and then it is all covered in a mound of delicious shredded cheddar cheese. Three items on a plate, hence the name. Served with a side of oyster crackers and a soft drink… it is heaven on a plate. I have been slurping the stuff up since I could talk.

I had been in town for less than twenty-four hours when I walked into one of my three favorite chili parlors to get my first serving. I may or may not have had more than one visit during my brief trip to the hometown. There are a number of different chili parlors, but I love Skyline, Goldstar and Dixie equally. As I stated to my cousin on Facebook the other day, I am an equal opportunity chili lover. It is so freaking good! They also have four ways… add black beans or onions. Finally they have the five way which is spaghetti, chili, onions, beans and cheese…. Both of those are a bit too much for me. I am a three way kind of girl when it come to my chili.

So if you are in the Ohio area, and you overhear someone talking about having a three way for lunch… stop and think about where you are first! It is a perfectly normal thing to hear up there! Not to mention delicious, now that I think about it. We need some chili parlors in the South!

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