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Regret Can Last a Lifetime…

November 6, 2013

If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you know 2013 hasn’t been all that rosy for me. I’ve shared some things here, kept others for the non-blog world. My friends and family who are close to me know 2013 has been a bit of a challenge. I’ve been saying for the past two months or more that I am just ready for 2014 to get here already. And I still am. But I learned some sad news today, not sad news for me, but news that just made my heart ache for someone else, and it made me pause in my day. I’m not sure I will ever understand fate or how it works, but I do appreciate the thoughts it has forced on me today and the overdue action I will take. I know life is short, I think we all do, but occasionally I need a swift kick in the ass to make me take action on that realization. I got that today around 3:30 in the afternoon. So tonight, I leave you with this thought:

always tell

Always tell someone how you feel. A family member, a dear friend, a love, someone who meant something to you at one point… take your pick of relationships. Life really can be very short and what if that last negative comment or thought is the last thing we say to someone before you never have the opportunity to speak again? It happens, far too often, and I know I am guilty of it myself. So my challenge to myself is to work to not leave things unsaid in the future. New Years Resolutions… in November. Better late than never.

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